Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Welcome to Moutain Lakes. Here's Some Garbage Bags.

I found myself rushing from school drop off this morning to Anchor True Value Hardware this morning to buy some garbage bags. The waste truck comes once a week, sometime around 10 a.m., which means if I miss it, I have a week with my pails full of rotting food and other nonsense.

If it were just plain old garbage bags, it wouldn't be a worry, and I'd have been okay. But here in Mountain Lakes, we have to put our garbage bags into green bags marked "Mountain Lakes" or they won't be picked up. Years ago, when I first moved to town, my friend Pete told me they did this because back when Lakers paid for garbage annually, people would get pissed because they may only have one bag whereas their neighbors (with four kids, two dogs, and a nanny) had ten. Instead of having the garbage paid as a fee, it's now done per bag. It does make sense, though logistically it can be rough (unless you plan it out properly).

At the hardware store, I was telling the man who helped me (the receipt says Russ Price, I think, but I'm not sure if that's who it was) that all I ever ask for for Christmas are Mountain Lakes garbage bags and fire logs. Necessities that I never seem to have when I need them most. He said that people have come in to get a case of bags for new home owners as housewarming gifts. How smart is that?

I got to thinking that a lovely Mountain Lakes holiday gift would be a couple rolls of garbage bags ($12.50 for smalls, $25.00 for larges), accompanied by a Mountain Lakes holiday ornament (sold at Surprises in Store), and a pack of Celebrate Mountain Lakes note cards (available on etsy).

Mountain Lakes garbage bags are available for sale at Anchor True Value Hardware on Route 46 in Denville, and at the Mountain Lakes Market on Midvale Road in Mountain Lakes.

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